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Monday, June 16, 2014

Kay Tse gives perfume to father and becomes a role model for son

Singer Kay Tse (謝安琪) appeared at TVB City to join the live broadcasting of Jade Solid Gold. She expressed that today she wasn't a candidate but had the chance to be the MC of the show for awhile and said "I'm really happy, first time being the MC of Jade Solid Gold. Also, all of today's award recipients happens to be my friends, Alfred Hui (許廷鏗), Joyce Cheng (鄭欣宜), and Auston Lam (林師傑). This is the first time Auston receives an award, so when I saw him cry, I got really emotion too."

Asked how she would celebrate Father's Day, Kay will celebrate with her father and said "his (Louis Cheung (張繼聰)) part, I will hand over to my son", but eventually they will celebrate together. When asked how would their son celebrate with her husband, she laughingly answered that her son will transfer the presents he've received to his father and explained "Because of his birthday, he recently received many presents and for the ones he didn't like, he stored it away. For example, he stored away cooking sets that girls play. I think he will give those away in these occasions. (Which one will he give to his father?) He didn't say but one time he took out materials to create hand-made flowers for his father. It was really pretty. I think he will give something like this."

Asked what would she give to her father, she answered she would give him perfume and replied "I like it when he has a good masculine image." Will you give your husband too? She smilingly answers "He is not my father. I know how to distinguish clearly. I have to be filial to my parents so I can be a role model for my son." During Mother's Day, her son gave her a card and a rubber bracelet and she revealed "I have worn it before on my shows, I respect him."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: chaierie @ Asian E-News Portal
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