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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Vanness Wu and his wife, Arissa Cheo's relationship is going through another danger point?

Last year on Instagram, Vanness Wu (吳建豪) and his wife, Arissa Cheo (石貞善) had a serious argument and were rumoured to have divorce. Shortly after, Vanness uploaded photo of themselves kissing and it looks like their relationship was improving, but remained under the attention by the media.

Recently, their relationship seemed to have danger again and Arissa left a lengthy message in English: "And now I just keep lashing out from all the years of lies, deceit, pent-up frustration and prolonged emotional abuse, looking like the fool and yes it becomes my fault too in this aspect, which I know I need to stop."

Arissa added that everyone assumed the person was supposed to accompany her but did not even at her lowest point. That person did not call her at all and she went to Paris by herself during vacation. The remaining time was for working and she was used to being out of the life completely: "The people you think should have been, were never there for me ever in every way possible, not even at my lowest point (not even one phone call, jetting off to Paris alone for a holiday where is a small window of time off from work and everything else in a busy schedule that basically excludes me entirely all the time for example and yes, I should be used to it by now)" Hence, it was suspected the person she was referring to was her husband, Vanness Wu and Arissa mentioned that she was fortunate to have many people and angels showing concern for her.

Many netizens left their message to show support for Arissa after releasing her message. Vanness also  left a message on Instagram on the same day: "It will be good if both parties increase their love for each other!" Ever wonder if he is replying his wife's long message?

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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