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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Shirley Yeung practices shooting skills for new Mainland drama

Earlier, artiste Shirley Yeung (楊思琦) was playing the role of an anti-Japanese female soldier in Mainland drama, The Spy War (暗戰危城). Showing superior gun-shooting skills and excelling martial arts, she said: "This time, I've shot with many different types of rifles and pistols. Some of the weapons were quite heavy but I had to act really heroic in front of the camera so I can't even blink when I shoot. Besides shooting, I also had action scenes. I had to kick my leg over my head but I haven't done these stunts for awhile. But I deliberately practiced it so the audience can watch the real actors perform the stunts themselves. I hope that the audience and my friends will like it once the drama airs in Mainland at the end of the year.

Shirley also revealed that she misses her daughter the most during filming. She said: "This time I had to stay in Mainland two, three months for the drama. I really missed my daughter! But the whole filming process was really fun and I even encounter a group of students that were touring the film studio and they were really passionate. (Do you want to be like other Mainland female celebrities that produce their own work someday?) It is too early to say. But now, I am understanding and observing more. Besides being an actress, I would also like to understand the mechanics behind the scenes. If I have an opportunity in the future, I would like to try being involved in the making of the production."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: chaierie @ Asian E-News Portal
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