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Friday, July 17, 2015

Michelle Ye: I went for freeze eggs surgery twice for safety precaution

Artiste Michelle Ye (葉璇) admitted that she had been having high profile love romance with her boyfriend, Mr Mo (小默先生) and they were taken photographs browsing around together in furniture shop in Beijing a few days ago. According to the report in Mainland China, when mentioned about freezing eggs was the hottest topic on the Internet recently while Michelle was attending the promotion campaign in Mainland China, she admitted she went for the surgery 3 years ago: "I went for freezing eggs surgery twice for safety precaution. It is very good as the lady can release her stress and enjoy her work and life."

When asked about their wedding bells was coming, Michelle felt embarrassed and denied about co-habitting, and will announce to everybody if any good plans. Mentioning she was being pressured into marriage, Michelle smiled sweetly: "Let nature takes it course and I will focus on my life. Anyway, this is destiny!"

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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