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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Jackie Chan's star-studded concert: K-pop star Rain and Joey Yung

Jackie Chan's (成龍) "Leap Hundred Steps into the Lifetime of Films Concert: Shenzhen Stop" (飛躍百步電影人生音樂會深圳站) could be described as star-studded. Korea's king of K-Pop Rain, Joey Yung (容祖兒), Super Junior-M, and others all put in their efforts to perform. Amongst them, Rain who highly recommended himself to participate in the event, fully displayed his energy at the concert. Besides dancing and singing, he also performed the lotus hand on a single leg. His unique dance moves left a deep impression on the audience. As for the elegantly dressed Joey Yung, she was seen with a tender expression while embracing Jackie Chan on stage, successfully setting off the climax of the night.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: chaierie @ Asian E-News Portal
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