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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Leo Ku gets pranked but thanks friends

Jackie Chan's (成龍) "Leap Hundred Steps into the Lifetime of Films Concert: Shenzhen Stop" (飛躍百步電影人生音樂會深圳站) was held at the Shenzhen Bay Stadium. The stadium's 27000 seats were completely filled. Jackie Chan appeared on stage amidst applauses and cheers, causing him to be deeply moved. When he and his guest performers Jimmy Lin (林志穎) and Leo Ku (古巨基) collaboratively sang "True Heroes 真心英雄", Jackie first congratulated the newly-wedded Leo: "Dated for many years, finally married. Have to turn to Jimmy for some good advice." Jimmy played along and said: "I rather want to see a Little Leo Ku." Jackie then continued and revealed that he has already thought of the baby's name: "Called Gu Shi Kou!" (小古巨基) The name derived from a similar-sounding phrase that wishes the couple a son on their first try. Their quips caused Leo who was standing at the side to feel rather awkward and astonished.

The concert was star-studded. Besides Leo and Jimmy, there were also Super Junior-M, Rain, K-pop group Rainbow, Joey Yung (容祖兒), Fish Leong (梁靜茹) and others, causing raging enthusiasm within the crowd.

Afterwards, Leo accepted an interview and bluntly expressed that speaking of having kids, he will let it happen naturally. When asked about his fake death news yesterday, he replied: "That day after I finished filming a commercial, I received many phone calls and messages asking about my health. My wife knew it was a joke but at that moment I was not angry at all. But actually thought it was heartwarming because many friends that I've lost contact with took the initiative to reach me."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: chaierie @ Asian E-News Portal
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