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Monday, June 2, 2014

Yang Mi gives birth to a baby daughter & will be discharged on the date, 5th

On 01 June 2014, Yang Mi (楊冪) gave birth to a baby daughter and will continue to rest in the hospital. On that morning, reporters from 20 media were waiting for them and at 2.25pm, Hawick Lau's (劉愷威) driver fetched a person wearing black shades and it was suspected to be Hawick's sister arriving at the hospital. She did not reply to the media while the driver gave some lemon tea and soft drinks to the reporters, and said "Mrs Lau (Lau Dan's (劉丹) wife) treats you all to drink.".

After 5 minutes, Hawick Lau's spokesperson of promotion appeared and spoke in Mandarin "Please do not continue to wait as Yang Mi will be discharged on the date, 5th and will announce the details later. (How is Yang Mi's appetite?) She is in better condition now. (Is Hawick Lau in the hospital?) Yes! (When will they show a photo of their daughter?) Have not taken yet and will see how it goes.".

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: Admin @ Asian E-News Portal
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