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Monday, June 9, 2014

Moses Chan looks forward to bring his son for swimming: Son is too small, Body Temperature difficult to hold

Artiste Moses Chan (陳豪) attended the wrapping-up dinner at Cheung Sha Wan (長沙灣) for TV drama Walking With You (陪著你走). He disclosed, “I will begin filming new series Opera Rouge (temporary name) at the end of the month. (The one with Joyce Koi (蓋鳴暉)?) Yes, I will be playing the role of an interior designer.” As Father’s Day is approaching, asked how he will celebrate, he points out that his son is only 6 months old and said “My son just learned how to sit. (Does he know how to say dad?) Not yet but I’m already happy that he knows how to sit. On Father’s Day, I’m satisfied if the whole family can go out and eat dinner together and walk around.” Asked if his wife Aimee Chan (陳茵媺) will give him a present in place of their son, he smiled and said she’s too busy and said “Taking care of the baby already took up most of her time. Actually, a present is not important. I’m already happy if we can be together. I get happy easily.” After, the reporter laughed at him for not giving a present on Mother’s Day, but Moses adamantly replied that he has celebrated and said “I gave her flowers and I’ve done all the basic things I needed to do.”

Asked about his feelings regarding the completed filming of Walking With You, Moses points out that there is no special feelings. Asked if he will go overseas to relax when he have time, Moses frankly replied that he hasn’t planned anything now and said “I have to see if I have time, if I have time, I would go out and walk around. I really want to.” But he also expressed that last time when he brought his son to Thailand, he suffered the most and said “I carried everything.” Also, he reveals that his son was well-behaved and didn’t whine on the plane and said “I look forward to bring him for swimming. (He can swim in Hong Kong already?) Not yet, the doctor suggested to start after six months because when a baby is too small, it is difficult to maintain their body temperature so the body temperature will quickly decline. He also points out that his son likes water so he deliberately set the right temperature in the bathtub so he can play and bath at the same time.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: Erica @ Asian E-News Portal
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* This news is not translated by Admin. This news is translated by Erica.

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