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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Vincent Wong hopes to buy an apartment with thousand fts within 5 years

(Picture, from left to right: Selena Li, Vincent Wong)

Male artiste, Vincent Wong (王浩信) was trying out his role image for new series, Flat Slave (樓奴), and disclosed in the series, his girlfriend opted for separation due to financial reason. He added that he did not know such girl before and said: "I am poor and my wife has to suffer with me. I hope to buy a property in Hong Kong Island but the price is too expensive. Plus I have a big family and need to buy an apartment with few thousand fts. I am saving up now and hope to realise my wish within 5 years time."

In the series, Vincent was very good in cooking and he was also a good cook in the reality. However, his wife had high culinary skills thus, he did not cook for ages.

Eliza Sam hopes to buy property in Hong Kong

As for Eliza Sam (岑麗香), she returned from Canada for visiting family not long ago and revealed her role was also returned from overseas as well in the series. She added that she was working hard now and hoped to buy property in Hong Kong.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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