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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Louis Cheung accepts commercials continuously & a pay raise from TVB

Artiste Louis Cheng (張繼聰) had became the brand spokesperson for a car company and disclosed he accepted several commercials during the press conference. Louis said "I accept about three to four commercials and some will be released soon." Currently, there are many photos of him showing his muscles which is for advertisement purpose.

When asked if his earnings increased, Louis smilingly said "Have to save up for rainy day. As the filming for new series will start soon, I will not have time to accept other work performance. Louis revealed that he will start filming the new series, Inbound Trouble 2 next month and said "There will be a press conference next week and some new casts are added too."

Louis had tried out the new hairstyle and read the script for a few episodes. He then said "After reading the script, the first few episodes require me to take off my top." Asked if TVB will be reducing the third and fourth line artistes' salary, Louis expressed he had no knowledge about this and said "Recently I have renew my contract and given a salary raise too."

Source: ON.CC
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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