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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Filming for Line Walker: Samantha Ko is sick & has hoarse voice

Recently, TVB artiste Samantha Ko (高海寧) has been busy filming TVB new series, Line Walker (使徒行者) and acts as a  villain role. It is commonly known that filming TVB series is long hours daily and Samantha eventually falls sick. The netizens are worried for her as Samantha had been uploading photos of her medicines for the past three days.

Fortunately, Samantha is recovering and informs her fans about her condition on her blog. However, Samantha has a sore throat and said "I feel much better now and continue to film Line Walker. But, please bear with my hoarse throat (haha)." In the photo, Samantha applies thick make-up for the filming and appears in good condition.

Source: ON.CC
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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