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Saturday, October 10, 2015

Lee Kwang Soo says he resembles a fish and what do you think?

(Picture, from left to right: Park Bo Young, Lee Chun Hee, Lee Kwang Soo)

On 01 October, there was an opening for 20th Busan International Film Festival (第20屆釜山電影節) and many artistes promoted their movies in Busan. One week ago in the afternoon, male artiste Lee Kwang Soo (李光洙), Park Bo Young (朴寶英) and Lee Chun Hee (李天熙) appeared at Nampo Dong and Haeundae District to meet the citizens. Although Bo Young was wearing high heels but standing beside 1.9m Kwang Soo and 1.86m Chun Hee, but she seemed short though.

In the movie, Kwang Soo acted as fish head person and had to disguise as fish person most of the time. When asked about his thoughts, Kwang Soo laughed and said: "I do not feel it is suffering. In fact, the fish's nose and mouth is made according to my features and it indeed resembles me. I feel I resemble a fish when watching the movie."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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