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Saturday, September 6, 2014

Vanessa Yeung: I am independent and used to being alone

Artiste Vanessa Yeung (楊崢) attended an food event to promote Australia delicacies. She was conferred as Pretty Chef Goddess' by the organisation committee and disclosed that she was preparing another new recipe book. Vanessa will be visiting Australia, America and Southeast Asia to look for new recipes shortly. Other than releasing her private secret recipe, she will visit renowned chefs as well. Vanessa expressed it was hard to book appointment with them and said: "It is similar to Hollywood stars!" She hoped to release the new book next year.

When asked if she had time to date, Vanessa replied that she was completely focusing on her work and said: "I have a slow reaction when it comes to this. I treat them as friends even if they come from overseas. (Do not feel lonely?) Being a model trains me to be independent and I am used to being alone."

When mentioned about her old love, Bosco Wong (黃宗澤), Vanessa immediately transformed into a voice recorder and said: "I have no reply and wish to talk about my stuff only." She added that she will be celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival with her family and displaying her cooking skills to the guests as well.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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