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Friday, September 12, 2014

Lau Dan lines up to hold granddaughter

TVB series Come Home, Love lead actor Lau Dan (劉丹) and a bunch of actors all went to Yau Tong to attend a mid-autumn festival event. He smilingly expressed that this year's mid-autumn festival, he's especially happy because there is a new member in the family: "My granddaughter is already three months old. For the mid-autumn festival, we eat dinner and celebrate together. Going out, there's too many people. Even though she doesn't know how to play with lanterns yet but every time she sees me, she will laugh until she cackles!"

When speaking about her granddaughter, Lau Dan will always laugh blissfully. Asked if he is with his granddaughter everyday, he said: "Everyday I see her, my daughter-in-law (Mainland film star Yang Mi (楊冪)) laughs that the grandpa is on line again to hold the granddaughter." His son Hawick Lau (劉愷威) has to film in Qingdao but everyday he would chat with the family through video call: "He really misses his daughter!"

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: chaierie @ Asian E-News Portal
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