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Friday, September 12, 2014

Karena Ng and C ALLSTAR become the spokeperson for fashion brand

Recently, artiste Karena Ng (吳千語) and group, C ALLSTAR, become the spokeperson for fashion brand and Karena expressed that she had some breakthough in her movie career. She accepted the martial arts role and needed lots of exercises to keep fit, and said: "My thoughts is aligned with the fashion sponsor. I love to workout since secondary school and join the swimming club as well. It makes people more energentic and I engage a private trainer to run together. I prefer a group of people doing exercising together as can give encouragement to each other. We have the same promotion thoughts as Sketchers for this year, 'Let's run together'."

As for C ALLSTAR, the four men also exercised before the filming started and said: "We belong to the sporty category and are very happy. We love Sketchers products too and feel that sporty guys are more charming and bring energy."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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