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Saturday, September 6, 2014

Karena Ng allows boyfriend Raymond Lam to film naked scene

(Picture, from left to right: Raymond Lam, Karena Ng)

Karena Ng (吳千語) was the guest of honour for opening ceremony of a fashion accessories shop and when mentioned about Raymond Lam's (林峯) bed scene in the series, Line Walker (使徒行者), she said: "I watch until episode 4 and have no time to watch. (Raymond Lam shows the script beforehand and you forgive him?) It does not matter and he did mention to me. Sometimes there is some changes with the script at last minute. (Will you be petty?) I have some intimate scenes with Wong You Nam (黃又南) too. (You film such movies lesser?) Nope and the company will not let me try such role. (Accept lesser due to boyfriend?) Nope, half or completely naked is challenging. Bed scenes depend on the script though. Half or completely naked exceeds my limit and it is very embarrassing. (Disallow your boyfriend to be naked in public?) Nope. Asian countries are more conservative compared to Western countries. (Allow your boyfriend to be completely naked?) It does not matter to me."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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