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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Company offers Julian Cheung million dollars to sign contract

Currently, Julian Cheung (張智霖) is filming the movie version of Triumph in the Skies (衝上雲霄電影版) and Hao Bao (好報) exposed him for taking private jet to travel back and forth to Malaysia. During the 4 days and 3 nights work, he did not forget to enjoy himself and confessed that he loved a type of fish, 'Don't Forget Me', and this cost HKD $6 to $7.

When mentioned about the filming progress in England, Julian replied it was going smoothly and should be able to return to Hong Kong by mid month. Julian is indeed 'Yi Ge 一哥' and greatly appreciated when the company offered him salary around million dollars for new contract.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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