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Thursday, September 4, 2014

40 points rating, Louisa So will get married? Wayne Lai will boost the ratings

Artiste Wayne Lai (黎耀祥) attended an event called I CAN BAKE,  as a spokesperson for the brand Golden Statue. At the event, Wayne Lai did a demonstration on baking bread. He said he has breads for breakfast and also said that his son have cooked steak for the family. He joked whether his son is learning to cook steak for a girl.

Wayne Lai expressed that he will only treat the staff and crew for dinner since the ratings for his current drama Rear Mirror (載得有情人) has been a success. In relation to the main actress Louisa So (蘇玉華), Wayne said that since the ratings are 40 points, Louisa should get married and also said he will boost more ratings for the drama. Wayne Lai plays a mini bus driver and was been compared by an online netizen, of his style looking similar to driver Ivan played by Lam Suet Sheung (林雪相) from a past film. Wayne smiled and said: "He is not as good looking as me right? I would love to be a bus driver or a taxi driver, because you get to meet a lot of different people. In fact a driver does not necessarily have to be bad looking. They can be good looking like me.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: lucychoi559 @ Asian E-News Portal
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