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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Yumiko Cheng: A fashion career is never too late: Yumiko: Husband is happiness

Happiness would  not miss anyone, someday happiness will find you. Yumiko Cheng (鄭希怡) has found happiness through husband Andy Leung Hok Chu (梁學儲). Yumiko believes true happiness is an attitude towards life, a sense of self-satisfaction.  Her fashion business opens up a new chapter in life, derive satisfaction is happiness. Happy or not, it is personal choices!

In 2012, Yumiko got a shift in her cervical vertebrae due to an accident in Thailand and was in a coma for two days. During that time, she had  boyfriend Andy Leung (now husband) who closely looked after her until recovery, which showed their unchanging love and commitment. The couple married the year after in Thailand, the bride (Yumiko) in her wedding dress said: "A friend in need is a friend indeed. During that time, he never gave up on me, I was really touched. The experience has made me grow, but he also gives me the meaning of true happiness of life". After marriage, she did not give up her acting career, but have also opened a fashion business to earn more money. Although sometimes she and Andy don't see each other often, she is able to feel a new fresh feeling saying: "This will make our love grow stronger! I would return to Hong Kong when I don't have work and sometimes he would come visit me".  Every time when mentioning about husband Andy, she would smile sweetly, looking at her smiling eyes, we can feel her happiness of life!

Has husband's support

Without Andy, then there would not be the current Yumiko's fashion. She revealed in the past, before starting out in fashion,  she had a research into online shopping markets. However still hasn't taken the opportunity to achieve her fashion dream, not until Andy said: "what are you waiting for?" Yumiko said: "He asked me how long are you going to think about it? If you want to do it, then go for it. I actually thought about it for a couple of years. In the past I have been busy filming and there was no time for me to prepare. I  realise I cannot give excuses to myself anymore and if I don't take the first step, the problem will never be solved. My husband gave me a lot of ideas. He is very supportive of me and he is also my source of energy".  Yumiko opened a seven digit fashion store with friends called 'Whysocool'.

Home became a warehouse

Asked if she will enter the fashion industry? She smiled and said: "Although I have started late, but it doesn't matter. It's good that I did it than rather not doing it!" Yumiko was told the online shopping market is very competitive these days. Asked if she has the confidence and was she ready to face the challenges? She laughed and said: "I will be the stylist and also become a personal model, teaching how to mix & match. Showing a pair of jeans can be worn with 7 different types of clothing. Even if there is no purchase, at least looking at our website will give people ideas". She also shared that her whole house has became a warehouse with hundreds of clothing, and said it's worth giving up personal space.

Wants to become like Hilary Tsui 

Yumiko, a shopaholic turned fashion bushiness owner, was greatly supported by friends and dream of becoming like Hilary Tsui (徐濠縈). Yumiko said: I think she is very smart. Not only does she have good fashion sense, but also very hardworking. She has inspired me to run a fashion business.She has her own style and I really look up to her!" Yumiko says a person's other half of happiness is to cherish friendship and the people you love."My girlfriends frequently invite me out. We get together and talk about fashion, even Helen To Yu Fung (杜如風) could not stop talking! Helen exposed her husband is the kind of person who likes to look nice".          

Yumiko has been smiling a lot throughout the interview and has truly learnt how to cherish and live happily. During the conversation she also expressed that she is grateful to the people who have been by her side (referring to Andy).

New fresh style  

Yumiko said she does not like the current fashion trend, creating your own style gives me a new fresh feeling. She explained: "My style changes time to time, sometimes I like masculine dress pants, currently I love the feminine pencil skirt with the fishtail. Women are fickle!" Asked whether she will be working in fashion design? She said she has the interest, but is currently too busy: "I really have no time. I will take it step by step. Fashion design is my next plan".    

Source: ON.CC (HK) 
Translated by: lucychoi559 @ Asian E-News Portal
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