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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Congratulations to Myolie Wu joining GME company

Artiste Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) wore red dress with 20 carats of jewellery and announced she joined the company, GME. The new company arranged a magician to make Myolie to 'appear' and played a short video clip of Simon Yam (任達華) and Julian Cheung (張智霖) sending their congratulations, but TVB did not assign any representative to send their congratulation.

During the interview, Myolie kept smiling and praised the new company provided her security and the boss showered her with sincerity and appreciation: "I would like to thanks to all companies which are interested in me but TVB is my maiden home after all. I am willing to film series if there is any acceptable scripts." Myolie added she will be filming new movie in Mainland China and will start to film series next year.

When asked if her chance of becoming TV Queen became slim due to not renewing contract with TVB, Myolie said: "Let nature take its course. I will continue to promote Every Step You Take (陪著你走) series and it is very important." Mentioning about the rumours of getting married in year end, Myolie did not reply directly but admitted the new contract did not interfere her private life: "Stephen Shiu, Jr. (蕭定一) has 3 kids already. (Apply leave in year end?) Anyway, the leave is full this year and let's talk about work only today. My boyfriend supports me."

Stephen Shiu, Jr. expressed they will try to attract more male artistes as the company has many female artistes and to push the company to another level.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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