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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Jinny Ng: My mother had regained consciousness and many problems could be solved now

Singer, Jinny Ng's (吳若希) mother fell into a coma and warded into ICU due to a bike accident earlier. Yesterday, Jinny and her brother went to the hospital to visit their mother with the accompany of her good friend, Kellyjackie as well. At 7.20pm, Jinny walked out from the ward and expressed there was great improvements in her mother's condition: "She could open her eyes widely now and look at everybody. She could make simple hand movements and had reactions when we talked to her. Many problems can be solved once she regains consciousness." Jinny continued: "My mother's left eye was hurt and I told her to open her left eye wide. But still have to wait and see if there is additional initial developments in order to check her eyes' condition. (Very emotional when she managed to open her eyes widely?) Yes as I talk to her everyday and it does help. I also read out the message written by others and Sisley Choi said she planned to treat my mum to 'yam cha'. My mum started to laugh upon hearing that and there is great improvements."

Possibility to leave ICU

When asked if she could see the doctor today, Jinny replied nope: "But the nurse mentioned there was a possibility to remove the throat breathing equipment if my mother showed reaction. Since my mother regained consciousness, minor surgery was not required. (When can she leave ICU?) No idea and have to see the doctor first. But she should be able to leave ICU ward after a few days provided the throat breathing equipment was removed and in stable condition. However, the level of her regaining consciousness was around 3 to 4 and only allowed to leave if reached level 5 and able to breathe without any equipments. (Did she try to speak?) Her mouth had the throat breathing equipment and I stopped her from removing it.'

Admired her younger brother was strong

Jinny praised her brother was strong: "I asked him about his plans if our mother failed to wake up and he replied he had no idea but will do his part well. Hence, I appreciate him. (Are you able to stay strong?) I try my best to keep my body healthy." When asked if she planned to transfer her mother to another hospital to ease convenience, Jinny responded nope: "The brain department here is better and service is very good as well." She added that her mood was bad for the past two days and explained: "The isolated bed ward and my mother were admitted on the same day and I felt envy of them upon seeing their speedy recovery.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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