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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wayne Lai is on long vacation and gains weight?

(Picture, from left to right: Meini Cheung, Koni Lui, Wayne Lai, Margie Tsang, Kandy Wong)

Artiste Wayne Lai (黎耀祥), Margie Tsang (曾華倩) and Koni Lui (呂慧儀) went to a luxury house worth 280 million in the peak to film a New Year programme. The script illustrated that Wayne was the owner of the luxury house and he was quite engrossed in his role. He said: "Please treat yourselves at home. I guess we should be able to buy the house with around  8 to 10 people contributing." Currently, Wayne rented a house and said: "If I stay in this house, the interest is higher than my rental and I have some cash flow right now." He disclosed he was on long vacation recently and gained some weight as well.

Koni Lui wanted to have a daughter

Koni did not wear any sexy clothes to film the programme and said: "My breasts are reserved for my son and cannot reveal to anyone. I try to avoid falling sick and still breast feeding him now." She will be staying in Hong Kong to celebrate Lunar New Year and bringing her son to collect red packets. When asked if she wanted to have a daughter, Koni said: "I wish to have the word, Hao (好), and learn from Aimee Chan (陳茵媺). But my husband treats me to 'lemon 檸檬' as he feels the pregnancy process is too suffering."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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