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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Filming new series, Captain of Destiny: Stephen Wong injuries his left leg

Earlier, Stephen Wong (黃嘉樂), was filming the new series, Captain of Destiny (張保仔), in Hengdian (橫店) and his left leg was injured during one of the actions scenes. After the doctor consultation, he had a sprained ankle and the doctor advised him to undergo surgery. As Stephen needed to rest around 1.5 months after the surgery, he decided to complete filming the series first in order not to delay the filming progress.

Stephen said: "The doctor says it is all right as long as I avoid strenuous exercises. Thus, I need to tolerate the pain when performing action scenes in Hengdian. I plan to go for operation in March." He added that he had to go for physiotherapy and use the energy of both legs, otherwise it will be unbalance when walking. Stephen also disclosed that he was acting as villain and will 'flirt' with pure and chaste woman, Kelly Fu (傅嘉莉).

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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