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Friday, July 11, 2014

On Weibo: Coffee Lam expresses her gratitude to people who support her

(Picture, from left to right: Alan Wan, Sire Ma, Coffee Lam)

Ex TVB artiste, Coffee Lam (林芊妤), was terminated with TVB due to an earlier gathering and regained her freedom thereafter. After the termination, Coffee did not appear and only update her status on Weibo (微博) that she was focusing on her work and needed to face the public and sing, which made her very nervous.

Coffee uploaded a group photo with Sire Ma (馬賽) and Alan Wan (溫家偉), and said: "I feel very nervous upon facing the public again but still, many people tell me to 'jia you 加油'. Unable to sing when it is too crowded...... Thank you. I would like to express my gratitude for your support and I will continue to 'jia you'! My state of recovery is fast though I am stupid, please do not worry!".

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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