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Monday, May 5, 2014

Filming of Trade Wars: Wayne Lai, Nancy Wu & Raymond Wong film outdoor shooting

(Picture from left to right: Wayne Lai, Nancy Wu, Raymond Wong)

Two nights ago, artiste, Wayne Lai (黎耀祥), Nancy Wu (胡定欣) and Raymond Wong (黃浩然) were filming outdoor shooting in the Central for the new series, Trade Wars (商戰). Wayne had been eagerly slimming down and cut a 'Do Min Joon 都教授' hairstyle which made his image looked younger. However, he was seen smoking in the street and it was a mismatch to his healthy image.

In the series, Nancy and Raymond had some relationship and she was filming a drunk scene two nights ago, but the co-star was Wayne instead. Both displayed great rapport during filming as they acted as a couple before.

Established Great Rapport

Wayne went up towards Nancy and tried to take her away but definitely with some struggling around. The onlookers began to disperse once the filming for that scene was completed. Wayne expressed that he will have some relationship with Maggie Shiu (邵美琪) in the series and when asked if there was any intimate scenes with Maggie, Wayne laughed and said that he will leave the intimate scenes to the youngsters instead.

After cutting a new 'Do Min Joon' hairstyle, Wayne and Raymond were enjoying their conversation during their break. Though surrounded by many onlookers, Wayne did not bother and continue with his smoking.

Source: Mingpao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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