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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

5 months pregnant: Koni Lui attends the promotion campaign for the series, Never Dance Alone

(Picture: Koni Lui)

(Koni Lui and her husband, Dickson Wong)

Currently 5 months pregnant, TVB artiste Koni Lui (呂慧儀) wore a flat shoes to attend the promotion campaign for the series, Never Dance Alone (女人俱樂部) in Tsuen Wan (荃灣), under the accompany of her husband, Dickson Wong (黃文迪).

Koni wore a loose dress and expressed that she used to eat half a bowl of rice but could eat 2 bowls of rice after pregnant. Thus, she gained around 10 pounds in weight and laughed that she could become the spokeperson for rice. Koni said "In the past, I love seafood and have no craving for it now. My taste buds has changed and rice is my favourite food now. I am worried that my baby's health as I eat too much rice. I hope to give birth naturally and the doctor advises me not to overeat but it is very hard." When asked if it is a baby boy or girl, Koni expressed that she was uncertain despite already gone for scanning and had to wait for her husband to announce.

 Also, Koni disclosed that her bust was increased by at least by 2 cups and laughed that she could not take it. She said "I wish to regain my original figure and must keep fit after giving birth."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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