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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Ron Ng hopes TVB will raise his salary

Having been busy earning money in Mainland China, Ron Ng (吳卓羲), whose contract in TVB will be coming to an end soon, has just finished filming with Jerry Yan (言承旭) in new series The Best Ex-Boyfriend (最佳前男友) and returned to Hong Kong to discuss about his contract. Yesterday, he attended a swimming function and directly revealed that his contract is ending very soon and that the company has already started discussing with him for the past few months. When asked about his intent in contract renewal, he replied: "I will place TVB in the first place, if it wasn't for TVB, there wouldn't be Ron Ng today, we will be discussing about our collaboration style." Asked what conditions he is looking forward to, he smilingly replied a raise in salary: "Raise my salary a little, just enough to live! Actually money is not the most important, the most important is to develop through different collaborations and I wish to film in both Mainland China and Hong Kong." Rumored that he is earning 100000 RMB per episode, he was asked whether he was earning a lot, he didn't deny. To compare, even though TVB filming hours are long, there are many viewers that watch their series.

Mentioning Myolie Wu's (胡杏兒) rumor of not renewing her contract and signing with another company, Ron expressed that he wasn't clear. On the contrary, he did hear about Bobby Au Yeung's (歐陽震華) contract renewal controversy and believe that there must have been some verbal misunderstanding and that it is currently being handled. Asked whether the company does not cherish their veterans, he said: "Not really, the company's biggest asset is the actors."

Regarding Bobby pointing out that filming ancient series in the summer to be difficult, he smilingly said: "The sky is bluer so filming ancient series in the summer is much better! Our peculiar characteristic as TVB actors is that if it's not cold enough, we don't do water scenes and if it's not hot enough, we don't film ancient series. That's how we become such hardworking actors." 

Previously having rejected to participate in TVB new series Trainee Angel (實習天使), he said that he knew the producer specifically tailor-made the role for him, but unfortunately, the series clashed with the filming of his Chinese drama.

Source:  Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: chaierie @ Asian E-News Portal
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