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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Michael Tse disclosed his wife used breast milk and cow milk to feed his son

Michael Tse (謝天華) had been promoted to daddy status recently and accepted a radio station interview to discuss about his experience as a father. He disclosed his wife, Tina, had been a great help and said: "We feed him with breast milk and cow milk now. At first, it was breast milk but became a mixture eventually." When asked if he reduced his shopping expenditure, Michael said: "I used to buy whatever I like and not anymore now."

Michael revealed he went to work in overseas earlier and took the opportunity to buy a set of family clothes. He said: "In the past, I will not look at children stuff but actually bought a set of family clothes for myself, wife and son. I show it to my wife and her first response was telling me to wear it first."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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