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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Guess what is the first word from Hawick Lau's 9 months old daughter?

Last year, Hawick Lau (劉愷威) was promoted to daddy status when his wife, Yang Mi (楊冪), gave birth to their baby daughter and nicknamed as 'Little Sticky Rice 小糯米'. Although they did not show their daughter's face, but will update their family joy on Weibo at times.

It was well-known that Hawick doted his daughter very much and treated her as important as his life. Despite 9 months old, 'Little Sticky Rice' started to say the first word: "Daddy!", and Hawick immediately shared it on the internet happily: "The first word from my little daughter was...... daddy!" He also included lots of flying kiss symbol.

As for Yang Mi, her first reaction was to splash 'cold water' and left a message on Weibo: "The first word from somebody was daddy but I am not jealous at all. As she also said 'daddy' when facing the toys." Nevertheless, Hawick accepted her remarks from his wife and replied: "Hahaha...... Hahaha..... Please stop your jealousy! Be obedient!" Looking at Hawick's reply, no wonder Yang Mi always commented that she married a perfect husband.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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