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Friday, February 6, 2015

Sarah Song praises her boyfriend, Jason Chan, is good at creating surprises

Loving couple, Jason Chan (陳智燊) and Sarah Song (宋熙年) in entertainment industry attended the welcoming New Year event in shopping mall together and when asked if their fees was higher when invited as a couple, Jason replied he was unaware of the exact fees and felt elated that the organiser invited them as a couple.

Sarah expressed that her boyfriend might be frustrated while performing as she was a muddle-headed person. But fortunately, he was warm and gentle to her.

When asked if they will take the opportunity to look for wedding sponsors after the announcement of their relationship, Jason replied that he will inform everybody once there was any big plans. Asked how they will celebrate Valentine's Day, Sarah replied that will be attending Wong Cho Lam (王祖藍) and Leanne Li's (李亞男) wedding while Jason said with a laugh: "Too bad we cannot celebrate together." Jason added that he needed to working before and after Lunar New Year and will be returning to England to visit his grandmother in February. Jason might be celebrating Valentine's Day in advance and preparing a present as well, while Sarah aimed to save money and buy property.

Sarah also praised her boyfriend was good at creating surprises and said: "Few years ago, I tell him what I want and he gives it to me on a special occasion. This reminds me of the present that I want few years ago." Asked when they will get married, Jason replied that they intended to take it slowly and focus on their career first.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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