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Friday, August 14, 2015

Michael Miu needs not teach his children to drink: They know how to enjoy

Artiste Michael Miu (苗僑偉) and Crystal Cheung (張紋嘉) attended wine tasting event in the Central and Michael expressed he was the spokesperson for three years. When asked if he had any interest to invest, Michael laughed and said: "I help to drink! I cannot do it but can help to promote the wine. (Teach your children to drink?) They know how to drink and enjoy, and need not teach them." When mentioned that he showed up with tanned skin, Michael exposed his wife, Jaime Chik (戚美珍) kept reminding him to use sunscreen before going out: "I love playing golf and my wife has no objections but I must apply sunscreen before going out."

When asked about the progress for movie version, Line Walker (使徒行者), Michael said: "The team is busy drafting the script and needs to send it to Mainland China for approval. (The cast members list is confirmed?) No idea. (The fees?) It is in preparation now."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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