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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Intern Nurses series: Moon Lau might give her first on-screen kiss

(Picture, from left to right: Eliza Sam, Moon Lau)

Three days ago, Moon Lau (劉佩玥) and Eliza Sam (岑麗香) were filming new series, Intern Nurses (實習天使). Moon Lau expressed this series had many outdoor scene and they were playing volleyball in the sandy beach in one of the scenes. In the series, Moon Lau's character was towards the male side and she believed she did not need to wear swimsuit to film the scene. However, she was not afraid and there was a possibility that Moon might gave her first on-screen kiss.

Eliza Sam added the outdoor environment was humid with more mosquitoes and it was less worse when compared to filming ancient series.

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: Admin @ Asian E-News Portal
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