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Monday, June 1, 2015

Grace Chan is clueless to kiss Kevin Cheng with or without beard?

Artiste Grace Chan (陳凱琳) attended children story telling competition and expressed she did not take part in similar competition as a child before. She mentioned the teacher would spent 45 minutes to tell stories during her school days and her parents would tell stories to her before bedtime as well. Hence, she might adopt the same method when she had children in the future. Grace returned from Vancouver to Hong Kong not long ago and it was a short vacation.

When asked if any developments between Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) and her, Grace said: "Nope. I returned to Hong Kong 1 day only and should see him during the celebration banquet for Blue Veins (殭) series. (More time for dating after filming Blue Veins series?) I will be going to France and Shanghai for working shortly. (Buy any souvenirs for Kevin?) Nothing special. (Did he send regards when you were sick?) Many people did and including him. (He becomes younger after shaving the beard?) Have not seen it yet. (Stylish?) No idea and I seen him without beard before the filming started. (Prefer him with or without beard?) It does not matter. (Prefer kissing without beard?) No idea."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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