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Friday, July 11, 2014

Ron Ng is chased by cleaning lady

Actor Ron Ng (吳卓羲) appeared at Tsim Sha Tsui for the promotional event of his new series Black Heart White Soul (忠奸人). He expressed that he liked the story of the series and he believed it wouldn't lose to the popular Triumph in the Skies II. It's his first time collaborating with Kristal Tin (田蕊妮) and Louis Cheung (張繼聰) so he hopes there will be new sparks between them.

He also revealed that after his coworkers and family have seen the promotional trailers, they really liked it. The day of the filming, he was poured over the head with sticky rice water and ink to represent the black-white feeling. He said: "We've filmed for six, seven hours. After one take, I had to go and shower. I've filmed this four times. When I finally finished filming, as I walked to the shower from the studio, the cleaning ladies had to chase after me with their mop. It was a lot of work for them. Even my mom asked me what I was up to when she saw me."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: chaierie @ Asian E-News Portal
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