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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Ella Koon scolds at her boyfriend for bringing too many snacks

Singer Ella Koon (官恩娜) accepted an interview from the radio station and disclosed that she only remembered her birthday after a reminder from the massage therapy centre. She said: "They call to remind me to use the birthday coupons then I remember my birthday is approaching soon.". Ella added that she will celebrate her birthday by working and did not hope for any surprises on her birthday.

When asked if her boyfriend proposed to her on her birthday, Ella laughed and said that she only thought of developing her career now but will announce if she was really getting married. When mentioned about releasing her album soon, Ella expressed that she had been going on a diet lately and said: "I have to eat bland food and detox myself. Fortunately, I slim down around 5 pounds!". She also complained that her boyfriend brought too many snacks for her and said: "I did lose my temper at him before and he says he is showing concern for me only. But I reply that you want to harm me instead and I prefer to be straightforward. However on a second thought, I feel that I am not caring enough.". After several times, her boyfriend did not buy any snacks for her now and brought back all the snacks with him. Ella expressed that she felt contradicting at times and said: "Sometimes I feel like eating snacks when I am hungry but unsure of what I should do when he brings back the snacks.".

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian E-News Portal
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