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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Aimee Chan has not given Chinese name to her son yet

Recently became a mother among the artistes, Aimee Chan (陳茵媺) was attending a countdown event (Cathay Pacific / HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2014) (國泰航空/匯豐香港國際七人賽2014) in Hong Kong stadium. She was doing warm up activities with the Hong Kong team members.

Aimee expressed that although she had insufficient time for exercises after giving birth to a son, but she held her 14 pounds son frequently, (Exercise is sufficient) and able to return to her slim figure before giving birth.

Also, she predicted she will start filming new series in mid 2014. When asked about after being 'upgraded' to a wife status and afraid of the taboo, she said "My husband, Moses Chan (陳豪) is in the same line as me and he will understand". Aimee further pointed out that her son, Aiden did not have a chinese name yet. "I feel that having a Chinese name is important for my son and it involves many selection factors. I did think of asking my son if he wants any Christian name but he keeps mumbling so might as well call him (Mumbling Chan)."

Source: ON.CC
Translated by: Admin @ Asian E-News Portal
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